Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The power of rain

Rain taps on the metal roof next door, singing a song.
Rain overflows the banks of the river, bringing rushing muddy water swirling to the front steps of la casa de Carmen.
Rain coming in torrents closes schools for the day.
Rain flushes out the trash along the riversides, collecting in what is now a mountain of trash bags filled with plastic bottles and bags and styrofoam.
Rain is a gift, bringing families some unexpected time of togetherness.
Rain cuts off electricity, cloaking us all in darkness for a few hours.
Rain is loud, pounding on the ground.
Rain sprouts umbrellas, even for the men on motorbikes.
Rain brings relief to the dry ground, filling the cisterns, water for the cattle on nearby farms.
Rain traps us on the second floor for awhile, as we watch the water rise beyond our control.
Rain is a blessing from God.

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